Friday, August 24, 2012

More Prince Harry Photos Could Emerge, Two Women Attempting To Sell Their Photos

More photos of Prince Harry partying in Las Vegas may emerge. Max Clifford, a high-profile British publicist, said two women attempting to sell their photos from Strip Billiards-a-palooza approached him to seek representation. He told the BBC he turned them down but perhaps someone else will jump in to oblige. In other news, Rupert Murdoch’s The Sun published one of the nude photos of the Prince on the front page of what it called a “souvenir printed edition” of the paper. The publication is the first newspaper outlet to run the pictures, which defies a request from lawyers for the royal family. The royals had asked Britain’s print publications to respect Prince Harry’s privacy by not running the already widely disseminated photographs.

Prince Harry Photo

Photo by: Oldmaison